Category: OSX
Mac OSx High Sierra Homebrew switching between PHP@7.2 and PHP@5.6
Homebrew recently deprecated the repo as of March 31st, 2018. So, how do you install PHP@5.6, and/or PHP@7.2 (or @7.0, or @7.1, these are untested, but I assume will work). I work on some legacy sites, that require switching between the versions. So, lets run through this… I’m going to assume you cleaned…
Autel maxitpms pad on a mac? Yes, and no.
Can you run Autel MaxiTPMS Pad on a mac? Directly, no. Through virtual box, yes. Install virtualbox and Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack, both from: Download the windows 10 trial image/iso/dmdk/ovf, which is free, from Microsoft. linke: After you’ve unzipped the image Double click the ovf to launch it with virtualbox. Ensure you add USB…
rsync target permissions and ownership
Add these flags, to set the target permissions, and ownership –chmod=a+rwx,g+rwx,o-wx –chown=OWNER:GROUP the chmod is 774.
xdebug.ini with phpstorm
[Server xdebug.ini file] xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_connect_back = On xdebug.profiler_enable=1 xdebug.profiler_output_dir=”/tmp” Zero config phpstorm xdebug mode will now work. [Ensure your router isn’t blocking xdebug] Port Trogger is turned on Trigger port: 80/tcp Incoming port 9000/tcp OR Set your local machine as the DMZ OR Port forwarding
mac ports php rsync version not default
You have a mac, and you’ve discovered that you want to install later versions of software that aren’t default on the Mac. Say, python 3.x, a newer version of PHP, curl, rsync… etc. you’ve installed them, and they reside nicely in /opt/local/bin but whenever you’re in the shell, they aren’t being used… what gives?…