Month: February 2006
PEAR::DB_DataObject_FormBuilder howto
Wow, I refactored my calendar web app and used PEAR::DB_DataObject_FormBuilder to make the backend. One thing I have to admit, the documentation for certain PEAR applications lacks dearly. Just like all OSS packages. It’s just the nature of things. The personal support I recieved from irc:// was great. After a little guidance, the members in…
BBC NEWS | Politics | UK holds Microsoft security talks
BBC NEWS | Politics | UK holds Microsoft security talks So this is where big brother – George Orwell’s 1984 comes true. Im not sure if I should be scared or what. But this is a great push towards a open source alternatives. How soon would a cracker reverse engineer this backdoor and allow access…
Muslims may sue over cartoons
Muslims may sue over cartoons I wonder when a sanity check will come about. If a religion stipulates “do not read”, does that mean everyone else has to follow that stipulation? It’s for those people that that follow that religion to not read, but why should their beliefs infringe on everyone else that doesn’t believe…
Mohammad Cartoon outrages?
I was searching around about the Mohammad cartoons. Looking around to see what the fuss is about. I’m trying to see it from both sides. Islam forbids drawing of their prophet Mohammad. Western society allows and promotes freedom of speech and expressions. The clash occurs when the two are put together. Why? The practice of…
Psychology Today: Procrastination: Ten Things To Know
Psychology Today: Procrastination: Ten Things To Know
Adult ADD Strengths » Top 10 Advantages of ADD in a High Tech Career
Adult ADD Strengths » Top 10 Advantages of ADD in a High Tech Career very interesting article on Adult ADD.
Solitaire Game Gets NYC Worker Fired – Yahoo! News
Solitaire Game Gets NYC Worker Fired – Yahoo! News I actually don’t blame Bloomberg at all. I agree with the action. I see the civil servant was also in agreement, but not the harshness. If I were told not to play games at work, why should you? You are not paid to play games. You…
Achieve-IT!: How to Take A Caffeine Nap
Achieve-IT!: How to Take A Caffeine Nap This maybe useful during exam time, or when a big project is due.
Sites everyone should know and bookmark
online antivirus scanners: Bitdefender Trendmicro client side scanners: Antivir AVG
My current list of firefox extensions
My current list of extensions on firefox. Hoover over the link to see a show description. Enabled Extensions: (22) Adblock Plus Auto Copy 0.6.1 BugMeNot 1.3 1.0.2 Disable Targets For Downloads 1.0.1 DownThemAll! Ext2Abc 0.4 Fasterfox 1.0.3 Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer 0.51 Foxylicious 0.5 Gmail Notifier 0.5.5 History Menu 0.44 ListZilla 0.7 MeasureIt…