Yes, RSS is old news. Everyone and their dog has an rss feed. Okay, maybe not.
However, here’s a super easy way to to monitor RSS feeds.  Thunderbird!!! Yes, that’s old too, I know. If you don’t have News & Blogs, you’ll have to add an account first. Now you have an easy way to just drag new feeds over.
- Find an rss feed, look on the side of this side, and you’ll see an RSS feed.
- Drag it to your News & Blogs section in thunderbird.
Now I don’t need to open up all my those sites to figure out what if there’s something new. RSS feeds will automatically find out for me, and notify me whenever something is new.Suggestions for RSS use:
- Monitor a friend’s bookmarks. 🙂 “Hi SAM! I’m watching you!”
- Monitor someone’s blog.
- okay, here’s a real useful one. Monitor new file releases on sourceforge.
- Forums and Announcements
That’s how I’m using RSS… any other suggestions to use RSS?
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