Argh, I just recieved an email from eBay. A Legitamate one, not one of those phishing expeditions.
This email was here by notifying me that Fees are to increase [yet again].
I ask myself why? Considering they’ve sent most, if not all, of their support staff to india. Service is intermittant, fraud is rampant.
How does one create a service that does the following?
- Create an easy to use experience for sellers and buyers.
- Easy to search/navigate.
- Ability to hold transactions securely. For example payment.
- Monitoring of fraud and abuse.
- Not allowing PO Boxes.
- How does one certify buyers/sellers?
The need for a trusted selling / buying service is tremendous.
Fraud is always going to happen. fraudsters seemingly come up with creative new ways to fraud people.
I guess it’s time to just open my own eStore. isn’t a bad idea, considering if I can find a local guy, people can do a straight exchange.
It’s free. But it’s a pain in the butt to siphen through all the material listing.
Perhaps a listing of items to be sold, in a searchable / organized manor would be a better way. And will the members accept such a way?
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