Author: LloydLeung
Software alternatives
What you’re using, and what you probably should be using: Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE), you should use mozilla firefox instead. Reasons to switch, the internet is not riddled with crap that does havoc to your browser (MSIE is a prime target for malware, adware, spyware). Outlook, you should use mozilla thunderbird instead. Spybot search and…
Website Moved!
Moved over to textdrive now.
LCD Screen works
After a week, I finally got the LCD to communicate with the atmel 90s2313
It's ALIVE! The mill is alive!
The CNC mill is alive, and running.
Online radio stations, nice light music
Y-axis bracket. Mill works again!
The milling machine works again, without any significant backlash on the X or Y axis.
For wick2o, Logic
Lisp function logic Store as “CubeSize”, “CylinderSize”, “ShrinkBy”, “Count” prompt “What dimension do you want for the cube?” prompt “What dimension do you want for the cylinder?” condition: Cylinder diameter must be smaller than cube prompt “What factor do you want to shrink each cube by??” prompt “Total Number of cubes in the end” MasterCube…
LL – Gallery 0.5
Made additions to the gallery app
HD Based MP3 Players
My prediction of HD Based MP3 players, such as the Creative Zen, and of course Apple iPod
What's left to complete for the rotary axis…
Almost completed this silly project