Category: Technology
Working zero config php xdebug 3.1.1 and phpStorm 2021.3 RC
php 7.4 w/xdebug 3.0 phpStorm 2020.3 zend_extension=””xdebug.mode=debug;xdebug.file_link_format=”http://localhost:63342/api/file/%f:%l” This now makes xdebug output links that open phpstorm (which is actively listening on port 63342… phpstorm:// wasn’t working for me anymore… [UPDATE 2021-01-14]zend_extension=””xdebug.mode=debug;xdebug.file_link_format=”phpstorm://open?file=%f&line=%l“ phpStorm 2020.3.1php 8.0.1xdebug 3.0.1 [UPDATE 2021-11-29] Seems like phpstorm/intelliJ have changed the mechanism, and phpstorm:// protocol no longer works. After much troubleshooting I have…
Mac OSx High Sierra Homebrew switching between [email protected] and [email protected]
Homebrew recently deprecated the repo as of March 31st, 2018. So, how do you install [email protected], and/or [email protected] (or @7.0, or @7.1, these are untested, but I assume will work). I work on some legacy sites, that require switching between the versions. So, lets run through this… I’m going to assume you cleaned…
Controllers: Raspberry PI for the logic. it’ll have it’s own 802.11n USB adapter Project Ideas: The promise, is to use an ESP8266, to control a bunch of relays. Using the Raspberry PI for logic control. DIY 1 plug relay – HRV control. Check to see (via the NEST) if the humidity is high or…
- msn protocol alternative: msn-pecan [update #2]
Okay, Been working with pidgin w/msn-pecan on ubuntu 10.04. New problem, pecan doesn’t crash pidgin anymore, however I am logged out after I’ve been away from my computer a little bit. As in, when the screen saver kicks in, pecan logs me out or can’t maintain a connection. Doesn’t seem to happen in windows 7.…
- msn protocol alternative: msn-pecan [update]
Discovered that is crashes a lot, on ubuntu. Pretty stable (haven’t noticed it crashed yet) on windows. Verdict thus far: good on windows. Horrible on ubuntu.
Debugging a segfault in PHP
debugging segfaults is not fun. My low key technique: place a printf(“made it here: %s, %s+ %sn”, __METHOD__, __LINE__, __FILE__); everywhere… put “DIE(‘something’);” to figure out the exact line that fails. If dies, good. move it further down. If it segfaults, move the die statement up. Until you’ve found the exact line that fails. Figure…
little project ideas
Just found a need to access my home server… however, it’s powered down… how can I overcome this problem in the future. To answer my own question… I should go lookup how to send a wake-on-lan command to the box. As well as know what my IP is… project ideas: 1.) Current IP notifier – send…
My current extension list for firefox 3.0.1
Adblock Filterset.G Updater Synchronizes Adblock with Filterset.G Adblock Plus Ads were yesterday! Better Gmail 2 0.6.1 Enhances Gmail with a compilation of user scripts and styles. All scripts copyright their original authors. Click on the script homepage in the Help tab for more information. Canadian English Dictionary 1.1.1 Canadian English (en-CA) spellchecking dictionary…
putty passwordless login
ssh in without a password.
Encryption idea
A few months ago, I saw this method of jumbling words to make words all weird. “Hree is an exmlape”