Category: Uncategorized

  • dnsmasq on pihole for wildcards

    Say you’re a developer and you want all domains that end in “.test” to be redirected to in the past, we’d edit /etc/hosts file and call it a day. But now, with multiple web services, and code that’s shared between multiple sites, we may want something a little more robust. DNSMasq to the rescue.…

  • USB to serial UART interface – use a nodeMCU prototype board to flash a TYWE2S (ESP8285)

    I was trying to flash a TYWE2s chip ESP8285. Bought an FTDI FT232R chip off amazon, two for something like $15… not realizing that I could use a ESP8266 nodeMCU prototype board to do it. Such a simple hack. You may not even have noticed that there’s an “EN” pin. Well, there is… look at…

  • Testing your power outlets/receptacles at home.

    Had some worn outlets, house is 13 years old… so, turn off the breaker for that circuit, and replaced the unit. The issue was when I plugged one of those “outlet” testers in, it told me I had an open neutral. Well, WTF… I plugged it in the other side, and then a bunch of…

  • Converting files HEIC to png/jpg or MOV to png/jpg

    If you got one or two files, just use an online converter… however, if you have several hundred files you wish to convert, use imagemagick. You first need to install it… on OSX, use homebrew. $> brew install imagemagick. this will give you the “convert” command in the command prompt. Now, to do it manually…

  • The quest to go paperless – workflow – Work in progess

    I’ve had a duplex automatic document fed scanner for close to a decade. Original a FUJISU Snapscan M1500, which Fuijisu ended support for a few years ago. Friend helped me obtain a Panasonic scanner, same form factor, but newer, faster. Network based. My original workflow consided of: scan documents, which automatically converted to OCR sandwiched…

  • platformio clion – automation of gzip encoded files as bin2hex encode header files.

    This works for me on OSX Catalina 10.15.4 Summary: If you wanted to automated include files, you can use the script shown to help automatically gzip, and convert bin to hex string representation for inclusion into C/C++ headers. Automating the process. This post explains the process to take html/css/icon (what have you) compresses them to…

  • raspbian mosquitto mqtt setup and tasmota

    this was working as of 2020-05-23 Test the system to ensure it’s working. Start terminal windows… term 1 – subscriber to the topic “test” term 2 – publish something to the topic “test” Create a user/password edit the file as root, /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf: Restart test pub/sub in two terminals. That’s the setup of MQTT Tasmota portion:…

  • IPv6 DNS Setup

    I recently swapped servers, as my old one was running Ubuntu 14.04, I decided to just swap out the server completely to Ubuntu 20.04, port the data… hence the recent rsync post. The process was simple: create new server setup apache (vhosts), mysql, php, etc… firewall rules should be the same, so you could use…

  • IoT and wifi system security

    Many people now have Amazon echo/dots / Google home / Apple HomePod, smart TVs, smart thermostats, etc… What happens if one of those get hacked? They’re already on your system? they’re authorized and allowed on your network… now what? That’s why you should have a WiFi network dedicated to IoT devices on a separate VLAN.…

  • Fast rsync in the year 2020

    TL;DR; rsync -aHAXxv –numeric-ids –delete –info=progress2 -e “ssh -T -c [email protected] -o Compression=no -x” <source> <target> options: a – archiveH – preserve hard-linksA – preserve ACLSX – preserve extend attributesx – don’t cross filesystem boundariesv – verbose–numeric-ids – don’t map uid/gid values by user/group name–delete – delete extraneous files from destination dirs–info=progress2 — show progression-e…