Ideas, and reference material I find useful

  • Finally! Some kind soul made facebook a little better.

    Remove those silly quizes, that everyone is doing… “what type of X am I” type apps, that splatter your feed. Author’s page here

  • Using Google Chrome? Why not try Chromium instead?

    I’m playing with chromium… not chrome, but chromium! Chroimium build 9836 Is it fast, hell yeah!

  • wide screen monitors

    I’ve had these two 23″ widescreen dells (sku 320-7339) now for a little while now. I’ve noticed that I used to read sites in full mode.  Now I’m reading sites with half the width.  My eyes get tired from reading such a long line. I remember learning that newspapers, magazines, and such, realize that there…

  • Consumerism?

    I find myself in a midst of buying for the sake of buying. Do you remember buying something because you needed it? What ever happened to make due with what you have? There’s a fine line, of being a consumer hound, being consumer savvy or even frugal. I found myself in a local computer store,…

  • public speaking issue?

    Adrian made a comment about public speaking… i’m not sure how i would react if i was speaking in front of people I’ve never met, as opposed to the telephone conference call I had with these same people I’ve never met. When I was up in montreal, I think I had a good meeting with…

  • Loving your job and only wanting to do only ones best

    Work has given us some what 10% days… like Google’s 20% days, but more work focused endeavours. So, today, I spent most of my time, trying to show off the virtues of Symfony Framework for certain parts of a work product, over using Zend. My analogy is this, you have to paint a big wall,…

  • Protected: I was asked about my religious views today.

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Facebook, one external blog feed. BOO!!!

    title says it all. What’s going on?!? Why facebook do you limit my creative freedom to express myself in multiple outlets?!? okay… so this all got started from another website… it’s super geek. I know it, but it keeps me entertained, and hopefully other programmers/nerds/geeks whatever. It’s completely computer programming related, but that’s my…

  • elevator psychology, this should make you wonder how unique you are.

  • My current extension list for firefox 3.0.1

    Adblock Filterset.G Updater Synchronizes Adblock with Filterset.G Adblock Plus Ads were yesterday! Better Gmail 2 0.6.1 Enhances Gmail with a compilation of user scripts and styles. All scripts copyright their original authors. Click on the script homepage in the Help tab for more information. Canadian English Dictionary 1.1.1 Canadian English (en-CA) spellchecking dictionary…